Ancient History
Diamonds in Ancient History is a story in itself, whereas, according some experts, Diamonds are History. In early history these gemstones were very important to many people especially to the monarchs or royal families, diamonds were symbols of remembrance of the Springtime. Fore, in the spring is when these ancient societies mostly looked for food and warmth in shelters.
The ancient people began to see diamonds as a personal adornment for themselves, so, they started wearing them. These gemstones became a rank or wealth symbol to these admirers and negotiable or redeemable payments during World Wars, many upheavals, and to help refugees escape from totalitarian tyrannies. Most historical diamonds that still exist are Indian and have bloody histories attached to them.

Diamond on Black Background
The word diamond comes from the Greek word, adamao ("I tame" or "I subdue"). Adamas used to described the hardest substance known and later became synonymous with diamond. The earliest known date for diamonds in human history is 320-296 b.c.e. (before the Common Era) in India where diamonds were first mined.
In Sanskrit, diamond is vajra, "thunderbolt," an indrayudha, "Indra's weapon." Indra is the warrior god from the Vedic scriptures in the Hindu religion. The thunderbolt symbol in the Indian's conception is a diamond and the lightning flash is a comparison of the light thrown off by a fine diamond in ancient history.
During the ancient times people who owned diamonds were revered, respected, and became exceedingly powerful in leadership and in sovereignty. In the 15th Century the giving of diamonds in expression of love and devotion to one's life partner was started amongst the royals after an Austrian Archduke gave his partner a diamond for that reason.

Diamonds Up Close
Diamonds were thought to have magical powers in ancient times, kings back then wore heavy leather breast plates studded with diamonds. The warriors avoided the kings and others who wore the breast plates with what they believed, had magical diamonds on the plates, in the battlefields. The ancient Greeks believed these gemstones were tears of the gods and the Romans believed diamonds were fragments of tumbling stars.
There were unfortunate incidents of destruction from those people who desired to own diamonds so much, until they killed royal families, their quests, and their slaves to steal these intriguing gemstones from them. Some people believed diamonds could bring good luck and success. Others believed these gemstones effected the astrological events.

Indian Jewelry
Diamond jewelry wearing began among the monarchs in the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe. During theseperiods, gemstones were seen as having magical powers that can bestow fear, invincibility, sexual prowess and the ability to attract others. In the centuries which followed, 16th to 19th, there were found the diamond presided asthe ultimate gem in representing all the wealth, prestige, power and the huge imports of diamonds was revolutionary.
Statue of Queen Victoria

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